Release Day Success! Crown Princess Academy Book 1

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Release Day Goal: Amazon Overall Rank of 10,000

Goal Met! Best Rank of the day: #3,031
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In spite of having a 3-month-old baby at home, I published a book in January after working during all her naps and some help from the hubby too! I’m sure you guys saw me sharing in ALL THE PLACES lol. But I was really nervous about this one.


Because I know it’s off-market. It’s different. The cover is (intentionally) misleading and I wasn’t sure how it would be received, or if readers would even give it a chance because of my artistic style of presentation.

There are decisions I made with this novel that were lead by my heart and not using my business-brain and I was well aware of that. If I don’t release a book now and then for the joy of it with everything the way I want it to be, I mean, what’s the point?

Even though this was a passion book, I wanted it to have some modicum of success. Even though my standard book release hits around 500~2,000 in the entire store, my goal for ranking today was 10,000 just to be realistic.

I checked at 8PM and had a heavy heart that I’d hit the 13,000s, I’d been hoping for better. But then an hour later I checked again and apparently, Amazon hadn’t updated the charts yet, because it shot to the 3,000s! I was so happy!

I was afraid this book would be so off-market that I’d lose money on it, but editing and covers have already been paid for, so I’m excited about that! There’s also a tidy profit, which I was hoping for but not counting on, so it gives me the go-ahead to keep writing this series sooner rather than later.

I’m accustomed to better book releases, but I call this one a win. Especially after the positive reviews. I’ve never received a review like this and a review has never made me cry, until now.


I’ve never met you Katie, but thank you for encouraging me. Thank you for noticing the passion I put into this book. It makes me so happy that I listened to my heart and wrote the story I wanted to write and that I gained a fan like you.

And thank you to all my readers, author friends, and those who supported the launch today. I love you guys! #YoureNotCrying #ImNotCrying


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